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15-th Anniversary of the Nuclear Insurance in Russia. Results and Perspectives.Fri, Feb 8, 2013
Interview with Sergei Sergeyevich Ivanov, Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC "SOGAZ", Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP), a member of the advisory council of insurance under the Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia.
Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool – 15-th AnniversaryMon, Feb 4, 2013
In November 2012 the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool celebrated the 15-th anniversary. In this connection, a number of business and cultural events were arranged to be held within the period February 06 - 08, 2013. Celebration of the 15-th anniversary is considered to be an event of international importance, since the anniversary is going to be attended by representatives of 26 countries of the world.
An international insurance inspection of the Rostov NPPThu, Dec 6, 2012
21 - 23 November 2012 the international insurance planned inspection of the units was held at Rostov NPP. The leader of the inspection was Michael Peach - Technical Director of the Nuclear Risk Insurers (NRI Ltd.). The committee also included representatives of the Chinese, Ukrainian and Russian nuclear insurance pools, JSC "Nuclear Insurance Broker" and JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom".
An international insurance inspection of the Balakovo NPPFri, Nov 9, 2012
6 and 7 November 2012 Expert Group of the International Pool system had an international prescheduled insurance inspection of the Balakovo NPP.
Comprehensive emergency response exercise at Kursk NPPMon, Oct 8, 2012
October 3-5 Concern "Rosenergoatom" held a planned comprehensive emergency response exercise at Kursk NPP. The exercise was attended by the representatives of the Russian Association of Nuclear Insurers (RANI), JSC "SOGAZ" , JSC "Atomic Insurance Broker".
Bilateral negotiations between the Nordic Nuclear Insurers and Russian Association of Nuclear InsurersTue, Sep 4, 2012
During the period from 03 to 04 September 2012, there were held bilateral talks between Mr Eero Holma , the Managing Director of Nordic Nuclear Insurers (NNI) and Mr. Pavel Rudenskiy, the General Manager of RANI
Russian Pool Trainig in Hartford, USAMon, Sep 3, 2012
During the period from 27-31 August, ANI (American Nuclear Insurers)held a business training for the Russian Association of Nuclear Insurers.
Inspection of JSC "Siberian Chemical Combine"Tue, Jul 10, 2012
During the period from 3 to July 6, 2012 the Head of Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool delegation, Sergey Babenko, commanded an inspection in the JSC "Siberian Chemical Combine".
International Nuclear Forum 2012 in LondonMon, Jun 25, 2012
NRI held an International Nuclear Forum during the period from 18- to 22 June in London. The attendees from almost all the international pools took part in the Forum. The general managers from NRI, DKVG, Japan AEIP and others.
The training seminar held by The Central Institution Of Advanced TrainingMon, Jun 18, 2012
The Russian Association of Nuclear Insurers (RANI) hosted in their offices in Moscow, Russia a Training Seminar the week of May 29 - 30, June 06 - 07, 2012. The Seminar in the following direction: "Nuclear and Radiation Safety - improving insurance coverage". The Seminar was held by the Central Institution of Advanced Training for upper-level managers of insurance companies – members of RNIP
2nd International forum of technical experts of nuclear insurance poolsThu, May 31, 2012
The Ukranian Nuclear Insurance Pool hosted the second Forum of 14 national nuclear insurance pools. Attendees consisted of six CEOs of insurance pools, members of the Technical Subcommittee (Engineering Sub-Committee) and 14 technicians specializing in carrying out insurance inspections of nuclear facilities.
International insurance preoperational inspection of under construction Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant (Lungmen NPP) Taiwan, China.Wed, May 30, 2012
9 – 12, May 2012, an international insurance preoperational inspection of under construction Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant (Lungmen NPP) Taiwan, China. Two sets of advanced boiling type reactors (ABWR) each is of 1,350 Mwe power are installed at the plant.
International insurance pre-launch inspection of Blocks number 1, 2, Shin Kori Nuclear Power Plant (Shin Kori NPP)Wed, May 30, 2012
14-16 May 2012, an international insurance pre-launch inspection of Blocks number 1, 2, Shin Kori Nuclear Power Plant (Shin Kori NPP) The Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. South Kore. NPP has two blocks with enhanced two-loop PWR type reactors OPR1000 + (Optimized Power Reactor) capacity of 1,053 MWe each.
Nuclear Oversight INPO TrainingThu, May 17, 2012
The Russian Association of Nuclear Insurers (RANI) hosted a Nuclear Oversight Training Seminar the week of May 7-11, 2012 in their offices in Moscow, Russia. Attendees consisted of managers and/or technical experts from RANI, Rostekhnadzor, State Corporation Rosatom, JSC Concern Rosenergoatom and Nuclear Risk Insurers LTD (UK).
Insurance inspection of JSC "NIKIET"Fri, Apr 27, 2012
Russian nuclear insurance pool together with the private institution of the State Corporation "Rosatom", "SGIC Rosatom carried out an insurance inspection of the Open Joint Stock Company of "Order of Lenin Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering named after NA Dollezhal") (JSC "NIKIET") during the period 26 - 27 April.
International Insurance preoperational inspection of Nuclear Power Plant under construction Ninde (Ningde NPP, Fujian) ChinaMon, Apr 2, 2012
26 - 28 March, 2012 the international insurance preoperational inspection of Nuclear Power Plant under construction Ninde (Ningde NPP, Fujian, Wenzhou) China was held
RNIP will participate in the reinsurance of new nuclear power plants in ChinaFri, Mar 30, 2012
A meeting of leaders of the Russian and Chinese nuclear insurance pools was held on 26th of March in Beijing; the participants discussed issues of bilateral cooperation. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Supervisory Board (SB) RNIP, Chairman of the Insurance Group "SOGAZ" Sergei Ivanov, President of the National Association of Insurers of the Nuclear Industry (RANI) Pavel Rudensky, China nuclear Insurance Pool Chairman, President «China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation» Mr. Wu Gaolian, General Manager of the CNIP, Mr. Zuo Huiqiang and others.
Education under the direction of Bruce D. Kettle (Technical Director of the Russian pool)
Mon, Mar 19, 2012
From 12 to March 13, 2012 took place training of technical experts of under the direction of RANI Bruce D. Kettle (Technical Director of the Russian pool)
Reinspection of Novovoronezh NPPMon, Mar 19, 2012
14th – 16th of March 2012 the international insurance reinspection of Novovoronezh NPP was carried out.
Negotiations with Mark Tetley (Director General of "NRI Ltd." (British NIP))
Sun, Mar 11, 2012
March 6, 2012 during a visit to London, the RANI leaders met with Mark Tetley (Director General of "NRI Ltd." (British NIP)).
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