Inspection of JSC "Siberian Chemical Combine"

Tue, Jul 10, 2012

During the period from 3 to July 6, 2012 the Head of Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool delegation, Sergey Babenko, commanded an inspection in the JSC "Siberian Chemical Combine".

Inspectors and  observers  of Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool, JSC “SOGAZ”, private  institution “SGIK Rosatom" came to assess the insurance risk of JSC "Siberian Chemical Combine" to place the insurance coverage of third party liability for nuclear risk and the MD risk. Within four days, representatives of the inspection acquainted with the major plants of JSC "Siberian Chemical Combine" and technological schemes of the plants. To verify the nuclear safety and liability risks to third parties the delegation made detours of the territories and areas of plant units, areas of processing and storage of radioactive waste. The experts inspected the equipment of fire protection systems and autonomous sources of emergency power.

"The plant has made a good impression. All the actions to high the level of the security industry are being put through. We affirm the level of adequate security enterprise. " - Sergey Babenko commented.
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