The Ukranian Nuclear Insurance Pool hosted the second Forum of 14 national nuclear insurance pools. Attendees consisted of six CEOs of insurance pools, members of the Technical Subcommittee (Engineering Sub-Committee) and 14 technicians specializing in carrying out insurance inspections of nuclear facilities. The main areas of specialization of technical specialists participated in the forum are: - "Liability risks reinsurance"
- "Nuclear Safety and Maintenance"
- "Failures of mechanical and electrical equipment"
- "New construction and ready for commissioning"
- "Measurement and Control"
The Forum was attended by representatives of the pools in the working meetings of the Forum, participants had a visit to the city of Pripyat, Chernobyl and Information Center of "Shelter" the object of Chornobyl NPP. In addition, the team of inspectors held a one-day international insurance inspection of Chernobyl NPP. Topics of major reports, heard and discussed at working meetings of the Forum are: - On follow-up to the 1st Forum.
- On the results of the Technical Sub-Committee (ESC).
- Development of a database of nuclear insurance pools.
- On the substantive violations in the world plant (fire at nuclear power plants Rinhalds, Sweden, damage to the turbine condenser tubes bl. 5 Hamaoka nuclear power plant, Japan, the lessons learned from the accident at the nuclear power plant Fukushima, Japan, following ANI analisis).
- The preparation of technical experts of the nuclear pools of, cooperation with with INPO, WANO.
- Requirements and recommendations on the reports upon the results of the international insurance inspections at nuclear facilities.
- Consideration of the stress tests results conducted on the plant in Russia, Ukraine, common approaches to the use of the IAEA.
- Improved guidelines for conducting inspections of commercial nuclear power plant insurance, and Pre-Inspection Questionnaires.
- Risk Assessment of a shutdown of nuclear power units and their internal and external assumptions.
As a result of the Forum there were discussions on proposals of pools technical experts and Technical Subcommittee for the NPF (Nuclear Pools Forum), GPC (General Purpose Committee) and the draft final decision. The Forum was attended by representatives of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool: - General Manager of RANI - managing organization RNIP Pavel Rudensky
- Deputy technical director of RANI Sergey Babenko, Anatoliy Nikitin, Vladimir Vaschilo
  The Participants of the 2nd Forum of technical experts of nuclear insurance pool in the general photo and in the hall of the working sessions of the Forum  
Working meetings of technical experts of national insurance pools in the Forum  
Photo of participants of the Forum at the entrance to Chernobyl, and in the information center of the object "Shelter" at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant |