Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool – 15-th Anniversary

Mon, Feb 4, 2013

In November 2012 the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP) celebrated its 15th anniversary. Within this connection, a number of business and cultural events were arranged to be held within the period February 06 - 08, 2013.  Celebration of the15th anniversary was considered to be an event of international importance, since the anniversary was attended by representatives of 26 countries of the world.


February 6  

- Press conference for the Russian mass-media with the participation of members of the International Pooling System.
- Welcome cocktail.

February 7
- International conference of the RANI called “NEW HORIZONS AFTER 15” with the participation of the Supervisory Board members of the RNIP, senior management of the Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, representatives of ASB OJSC and foreign nuclear insurance pools. Agenda 07/02/2013

- Visiting session of the Coordination Council of the International Pooling System;

- Reception in honor of members of the International Pooling System;

February 8

- Gala reception dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the RNIP.


Supervisory Board members of the RNIP, former senior management of the RNIP, senior management of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, representatives of the governmental authorities of the RF, as well as foreign nuclear insurance pools.

The objective of the event was not only the celebration of the anniversary itself, but also the development of cooperation with the western representatives.
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