International insurance pre-launch inspection of Blocks number 1, 2, Shin Kori Nuclear Power Plant (Shin Kori NPP)

Wed, May 30, 2012

14-16 May 2012, an international insurance pre-launch inspection of Blocks number 1, 2, Shin Kori Nuclear Power Plant (Shin Kori NPP) The Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. South Kore. NPP has two blocks with enhanced two-loop PWR type reactors OPR1000 + (Optimized Power Reactor) capacity of 1,053 MWe each.

Project organization - Korea Power Engineering Company, Inc;

The reactor and turbine generator are Produced by Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd;

Fuel supplier - Korea Nuclear Fuel., Ltd.

The block number 1 - has been in operation since February 2011.,

The block number 2 - the construction is completed, commissioning and testing of equipment have been started.

The inspection was carried out by the Expert Group of the International Nuclear insurance pool for the following areas and composed of:

UK Pool                    Mike Peach                   NSO/TPL Team Leader

US Pool                    Tom Wolff                      Machinery Breakdown

Russian Pool          Sergey Babenko           Fire Protection

 The main purpose of the inspection was to assess the insurance risk of Blocks number 1, 2, Shin Kori nuclear power plant to accommodate the insurance cover of  the third party liability risk and the risk of damage to property. There was also the review of the analysis of common problems of the security and the level of reactor setting for the operation and nuclear-and radiation-hazardous equipment; inspection of major industrial facilities, equipment and systems, the condition of the fire safety. The experts noticed a good condition of the station and also a high availability for the start-up operations on the block number 2. The inspection identified a number of recommendations that will be forwarded by NPP after the report on the results of the inspection in accordance with the current procedure of nuclear insurance pool. The experts thanked the Shin Kori nuclear power plant for the good organization of the inspection.

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