International Insurance preoperational inspection of Nuclear Power Plant under construction Ninde (Ningde NPP, Fujian) China

Mon, Apr 2, 2012

26 - 28 March, 2012 the international insurance preoperational inspection of Nuclear Power Plant under construction Ninde (Ningde NPP, Fujian, Wenzhou) China was held. The inspection was carried out by the Expert Group of the International Nuclear insurance pool for the following areas and consists of:

Nuclear Safety, Operations & Third-Party Liability (NSO TPL):

Mike Peach, British Pool, Jiang Ping, China Pool (Team Leader)

Machinery Breakdown (MB):

Tom Wolff, American Pool, Li Zhe, China Pool (observer)

Fire Protection (FP):

Micheal Suin, French Pool, Sergei Babenko, Russian Pool (observer)

The main goal of the inspection was to assess the insurance risk of Ninde NPP to place insurance protection liability to the third party for nuclear risks and the risks of damage to property. Also was carried out the following: consideration of general safety issues and assess the level of preparation for exploitation for the first criticality of the reactor and nuclear-and radiation-hazardous equipment, inspection of major industrial facilities, equipment and systems, the state of fire safety. Experts pointed out the good condition of the station and the high readiness for the start-up operations. The inspection identified a number of recommendations that will be sent to the NPP after the preparation of a report on the results of the inspection in accordance with the current procedure of international nuclear insurance pool. The experts thanked the NPP management for good organization of the inspection.
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