Insurance Survey of "Atomflot"

Wed, Dec 18, 2013

An Insurance Survey of  nuclear-powered ice-breakers “Fiftieth Anniversary of Victory” and “Vaygach” was held on 02-05 December, 2013.

The main purpose of the Survey was to assess the insurance risk of the nuclear-powered ice-breakers in order to arrange nuclear third party liability insurance. Inspectors of RANI reviewed the following areas:

  • Nuclear safety and operation of nuclear-powered ice-breakers
  • Nuclear third party liability
  • Fire protection

The inspectors reviewed the execution of recommendations of the previous Insurance Survey held on 15-18 April, 2013, and inspected the following objects:

  • Floating Maintenance Base “Lotta”
  • Special tanker for liquid radwaste “Serebryanka”
  • Coastal facilities of Atomflot 
  • Floating Maintenance Bases “Volodarsky” and “Lepse”

The Survey was held by the experts of  RANI under the supervision of  S.Babenko – Technical Director of RANI. The Survey was conducted in accordance with the previously agreed agenda that included: review of the documents, interviews with Atomflot’s leaders and experts, inspection of the coastal facilities and nuclear-powered ice-breakers.

At the exit meeting S.Babenko confirmed an acceptable safety level of the coastal base and nuclear-powered ice-breakers. The inspectors provided recommendations for further improvement of Atomflot’s activities. The technical report of the Insurance Survey will be submitted within three months.

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