3rd Nuclear Engineers’ Seminar

Fri, Nov 22, 2013

The 3rd Nuclear Engineers’ Seminar and the Meeting of Engineering Sub-Committee took place on 15 – 17 October, 2013 in Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA, at the office of American Nuclear Insurers (ANI). The Seminar united technical specialists of 14 national nuclear insurance pools, specializing in conducting insurance surveys at nuclear sites.

General managers of national insurance pools and leading technical experts on nuclear energy took part in the Seminar.

The participants focused on significant events of the world nuclear industry, and on current issues relating to the operation of nuclear installments and nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Aspects of nuclear risks insurance were also reviewed.

The Seminar resulted in discussing the proposals of technical experts and Engineering Sub-Ñommittee.

The attendees from RANI were:

  • Pavel Rudenskiy, General Manager, RANI
  • Sergey Babenko, Technical Director, RANI
  • Vladimir Vashchilo, Deputy Technical Director, RANI
  • Anatoliy Nikitin, Deputy Technical Director, RANI
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