International Insurance Re-inspection at Kursk and Kola NPP.

Fri, Nov 22, 2013

International Insurance Re-inspections were held in October 2013 as follows:

  • at Kursk NPP on 03-04 October, 2013
  • at Kola NPP on 11 October, 2013

The Surveys were supervised by S.Babenko – Technical Director of the Russian Association of Nuclear Insurers (RANI) of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP). The Committee included representatives of Nuclear Risk Insurers Limited (NRI, UK), Nuclear Insurance Pool (NIP, Ukraine), the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RANI), and ROSENERGOATOM Group OJSC.

The main purpose of the Survey was to assess the insurance risk of Kursk and Kola NPP in order to arrange nuclear third party insurance and to check the execution of the recommendations given according to the results of the previous International Insurance Surveys.

At the meeting the leaders of Kursk and Kola NPP and the experts provided the information regarding ongoing activities of NPPs, opportunities for their further development, and presented the reports about the execution of the recommendations given in October 2010 during the International Insurance Survey, and also informed the members of the Committee about the measures aimed at further modernization of Kursk and Kola NPP, analyzing events at Fukushima NPP, Japan.

The inspectors checked the following facilities at Kursk and Kola NPPs:

central hall, turbine island, unit control room, auxiliary shutdown room, safety system areas (emergency core cooling system, core cooldown system, uninterrupted power supply unit, circulating water pump and fire pump stations), spent fuel storage pool, active waste storage area, radiation safety monitoring area, training point, emergency operations center, fire safety stations.

S.Babenko, the Head of the Committee, noted a high safety level at Kursk and Kola NPPs and was satisfied by the execution of recommendations on the results of the previous inspections. The members of the Committee also provided recommendations for further improvement of NPPs’ activities.

The final report on the results of Re-inspections will be presented within four months.

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