International Insurance Survey at “Kalinin NPP”

Fri, Nov 22, 2013

An International Insurance Survey at Kalinin NPP was held on 07-09 October, 2013 under the supervision of Sergey Babenko – Technical Director of the Russian Association of Nuclear Insurers (RANI) of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP). The Committee included representatives of Nuclear Risk Insurers Limited (NRI, UK), Assuratome (France), Nuclear Insurance Pool (NIP, Ukraine), Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP, Russia), and ROSENERGOATOM Group OJSC.

The Survey was mainly aimed to assess the insurance risk of Kalinin NPP in order to place insurance coverage of third party liability for nuclear risks and material damage risk.

At the meeting the leaders of NPP and the experts provided the information regarding ongoing activities of Kalinin NPP, opportunities for its further development, modernization and upgrading of the safety level of power generating units, analyzing events at Fukushima NPP, Japan.

The inspectors checked the safety level of reactors used at Kalinin NPP, analyzed the way of operating, estimated the personnel’s skills level, fire safety level, fuel handling, environmental conditions safety, etc.

The results of WANO inspection which had been previously held at Kalinin NPP were presented at the meeting.

From the Survey at Kalinin NPP the preliminary results were presented to NPP’s leaders. Final reports on the results of inspections will be provided within four months.
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