The Comprehensive Emergency Response Exercise at Kalinin NPP

Tue, Oct 1, 2013

The Comprehensive Emergency Response Exercise at Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) together with the Group emergency service to nuclear power plants (OPAS) on the subject: "The Radiological Accident at Kalinin NPP" has shown good results.

Within the period 18 - 20 September the staff of Kalinin NPP in co-operation with specialized forces and the facilities of the rescue services, together with emergency departmental structures  developed their practical skills in emergency conditions. In total 2000 people and 160 pieces of equipment, including armored vehicles took part in the Exercise.

The Comprehensive Emergency Response Exercise was aimed at checking the ability of insurance companies - members RNIP to provide insurance support to people affected by a radiation accident at Kalinin NPP.

Compared with last year's Emergency Response Exercise at Kursk NPP, (where the heads of Insurance companies’ branches, members RNIP, in Kursk region took part for the first time at the preliminary stage of the Exercise), at Kalinin NPP the heads of regional branches of the leading insurer "SOGAZ" and LLC "Rosgosstrakh" took part in an outreach activity with evacuated population, visiting an intermediate evacuation point in Kamenka village and reserve evacuation station in Maksatikha village.

Chief inspectors of RNIP began The Emergency Response Exercise with the checking of intermediate evacuation point in Kamenka village and reserve evacuation station in Maksatikha village to take in the evacuated population, to provide people with insurance documents and to inform them of their right to receive insurance compensation.

During the second day of the Exercise a training in providing evacuated population with insurance applications was held.

For the first time Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" took part at the Comprehensive Emergency Response Exercise in order to transfer and pay out money at the post office Udomlya.

During the three-day Exercise the way of providing people affected by the radiation accident at Kalinin NPP with insurance support, co-operation of rescue-and-emergency services with executive State government services as well as practical skills of RNIP (Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool) – leading insurer in insurance support to the people affected by the radiation accident at Kalinin NPP were thrashed out.

“Guidelines on organization of insurance payout to the evacuated people from the places of permanent residence due to Emergency at NPP” (edition dd. 01.08.13) was successfully tested.

At the final videoconference with all technical support centers, positive aspects of the Comprehensive Emergency Response Exercise at Kalinin NPP, as well as to-be-improved aspects were brought to light.

"Our aims have been achieved, - concluded the head of the Exercise, the Deputy  General Director - Director of Production and Operation of nuclear power plants" of the Concern Rosenergoatom "Alexander Shutikov. - A year has passed since the previous Exercise, and an evident improvement has been reached. We will continue to better our skills and get ready for some new specific conditions of the Exercise. "

The Comprehensive Emergency Exercise together with the Group emergency service to nuclear power plants (OPAS) are held annually at one of the Russian NPP. In 2014, it will take place at Kola NPP.

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