A survey of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mayak"

Thu, Aug 1, 2013

During the period from 8 till 12 July 2013 a commission of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP) under the supervision of the Deputy Technical Director of RNIP Babenko and the RANI inspectors, observers from JSC "SOGAZ" and SGIK Rosatom hold a scheduled survey of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mayak" (hereinafter - "Mayak"), located in the closed region: Ozersk, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Based on the objectives of civil liability insurance organizations operating a nuclear facility for causing nuclear damage to third parties resulting from nuclear incidents, the goals of the insurance survey were:

  • the collection and analysis of the data on the current status of nuclear, radiation and fire safety facilities of the enterprise to determine the nuclear insurance risks;
  • development on the basis of the recommendation results of the survey put to improve the reliability and safety of the insured in RNIP enterprises and insurance risks lowering.

The survey was held in accordance with the program agreed by the parties of the survey. Managers and professionals of the enterprise, its plants were well prepared for this survey, provided with the proper maintenance of its activities.

In the course of the survey the Commission members were briefed on the project and operational documentation on the enterprise and its plants, spent rounds and inspections of the areas, buildings and structures, including the Techa reservoirs, Argayashskaya TPP, which is the part of the JSC "Fortum" and providing with the electricity both steam "Mayak" and city Ozersk, available spaces of the technology system and the equipment of the enterprise factories, visited the central laboratory, and the"Mayak" Museum .

Inspectors and observers received reports prepared by the specialists of the company, primary documents were considered and the discussions with the experts were held in the following areas:

  • nuclear, radiation and fire safety of the enterprise;
  • transportation of radioactive waste outputs;
  • the probabilistic safety analysis of production of the enterprise;
  • stress testing of design solutions following the accident at Japan's Fukushima NPP;
  • emergency preparedness workshops of the enterprise and special units;
  • personnel training and equipment;
  • interaction with contractors and subsidiaries;
  • modernization;
  • the quality management system and environmental management system.

During the survey the inspectors made observations on the analysis of which they will prepare the report according to the existing RNIP procedure, the report will be prepared with the corresponding estimates of insurance risk and recommendations how to reduce them.

Key preliminary findings of the Commission on the results of this survey:

  • a satisfactory level of the equipment, buildings, structures, the security organization and operation;
  • insurance risk insured in RNIP of "Mayak "is comparable with similar enterprises of the nuclear fuel cycle in Russia
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