Insurance survey at the "Mining and Chemical Combine"

Wed, Feb 20, 2013

From 11 to 14 February 2013 Commission RNIP (three RANI inspectors, observers from SOGAZ, SGIK Rosatom and the independent inspector RNIP Boris Nikipelov) held the planned insurance survey at  the "Mining and Chemical Combine " located in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The insurance survey was held in accordance with the agreed program of the survey: an introduction to the program and maintenance documentation on the plant and its facilities,  inspections of buildings and facilities, available space technology systems and equipment of the reactor, radio-chemical facilities (part of the foothill ), isotope-chemical plant (a complex of facilities for storage and processing of radioactive waste containing nuclear materials - with the "dry" and "wet" storage of SNF) and a visit to the museum complex.

During the field survey the Commission observed the territory. The results of the observation will be in the report on the insurance risk assessment and recommendations to reduce them. There were held discussions  and considered supporting primary documentation with the experts in the following areas:

  • nuclear and radiation safety of the facilities;
  • storage, disposal and transportation of radioactive waste outputs;
  • probabilistic safety analysis of the facilities/plant /;
  • stress tests conduction of the program and operational decisions after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant;
  • emergency readiness of the workshops of the combine and special units;
  • staff training and equipment;
  • cooperation with contractors and subsidiaries;
  • modernization;
  • quality management system and environmental management system.

During the survey it was marked the acceptable safety state level of the equipment, buildings, structures, organization and operation of the "Mining and Chemical Combine".

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