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An International Insurance Survey at Unit 3 of Rostov NPP
Tue, Feb 10, 2015 | |
![]() At request of OJSC "SOGAZ" and following the decision of RNIP Supervisory Board December 08-09, 2014 the representatives of RANI Technical Department - managing company of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool (RNIP) held an international insurance Survey of "nuclear island" of Unit No. 3, which is under construction at Rostov NPP. During the inspection the experts assessed the current insurance risks from the point of view of nuclear and radiation safety, operating process safety, fire protection, possible equipment failures, exposed to radiation effects of "nuclear island" at the stage of reactor start-up. The Survey was carried out under the supervision of Mr. Sergey Babenko – Technical Director of RANI/RNIP. The team of experts consisted of
The Survey was mainly aimed to assess the insurance risk of “nuclear island” of Unit No. 3 at Rostov NPP to arrange nuclear third party insurance cover during the process of construction and installation as well as to assess possible MD insurance risks to arrange insurance cover in foreign Nuclear Insurance Pools of the International Pooling System. The leaders and technical specialists of JSC NIAEP, its branches and departments provided all necessary information and support during the Survey. Taking into consideration the current construction, installation and commissioning process at the site of Rostov NPP, the experts were satisfied with the safety level of the facilities, premises; assessed material and technical conditions of Unit No. 3 and its equipment and systems as sufficient. The inspectors investigated reactor compartment, main control room, emergency control room; checked systems supporting safety operation level of the Unit, storage facilities of JSC NIAEP, training center, full-task simulator, and other premises. The experts outlined some issues, concerning the safety level of buildings and equipment of Unit No. 3 and the process of construction and installation, which require detailed analysis to work out recommendations for further improvement of NPP’s activities. The final report on the results of the inspection will be provided to OJSC “SOGAZ” and to the leaders of RNIP by the date agreed.
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