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An International Insurance Survey at Beloyarsk NPP
Thu, Dec 4, 2014 | |
![]() An International scheduled Insurance Survey of insured activities of Units and equipment at Beloyarsk site was held on 07-10 October 2014. The inspection was carried out under the supervision of Sergey Babenko – Technical director of RANI. The Committee included inspectors of the Russian, British and Ukrainian Insurance Pools and observers of OJSC “Rosenergoatom”. The Survey was mainly aimed at assessing the insurance risk of Beloyarsk NPP in order to arrange nuclear third party insurance cover in foreign Nuclear Insurance Pools of the International Pooling System, and became the second one arranged by RANI. The first Survey at Beloyark NPP took place in 2011 to inspect the withdrawn from service Unit 1 and Unit 2 with AMB reactors, and the operating Unit 3 with an FB-600 reactor. The experts focused on nuclear risks of NPP, assessed operating safety level, fire safety level and equipment failure risks. Beyond that, the experts carried out an initial inspection of Unit 4 with an FB-800 reactor, which is at the preparation stage for its first start. The staff of NPP mostly implemented recommendations provided during previous inspections. Specialists of NPP provided all necessary support during the Survey: made presentations, provided the documents and information on current issues, and afforded access to NPP’s facilities. The inspectors investigated the reactor compartment, turbine house, main control room, emergency control room, safety systems area of Unit 3 and Unit 4 and some other facilities of NPP. The final report on the results of the inspection will be provided to OJSC “Rosenergoatom” in four months.
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